Photo Facial Treatments

IPL Photo Facial Treatments

Clear, beautiful, blemish-free skin is something we all aspire to. While some of us feel the effects of years of sunbathing or skin that has been over-exposed to the weather, others are dealing with specific skin conditions such as acne or Rosacea. All of these types of blemishes can make us want to cover up or hide our skin rather than face the world.

Rejuvenations IPL Photofacial will give you a fast and painless way to experience smooth, clear skin and the poise and self-assurance that comes with it.

The gentle pulsed light technology treats sunspots, age spots, and superficial blue, red or purple veins under the skin’s surface. It can also diffuse browning of the skin known as Actinic Bronzing, and treat breakouts of Rosacea and acne.

Revitalize Your Skin With IPL

Photofacial IPL treatment is faster and easier than most laser treatments. A pulsed light handpiece is moved over the skin, emitting light that breaks up the pigment in skin lesions or breaks down the tiny colored capillaries. Most people perceive the light as a gentle “snapping” sensation, which causes little to no discomfort. Any area of the body can be treated, including the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, and legs.

The treatment is performed by Rejuvenations’ highly trained technicians. They will administer the Photofacial treatment and can provide you with more information on the procedure. If you have further questions or would like to receive more information before booking your appointment, call us for a consultation.

  • Single Session $250

  • 6-treatment package $1,000

What To Expect

  • IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial treatment uses a light-based technology to target and eliminate brown spots, sun damage, and uneven skin tone. The light energy penetrates the skin's surface and stimulates the production of collagen, resulting in brighter, more youthful-looking skin.

  • The number of treatments needed will depend on the severity of your skin concerns and your desired results. Most patients require a series of 3-5 treatments, spaced about 3-4 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results.

  • Yes, IPL photofacial treatment is a safe and effective option for improving the appearance of sun damage, brown spots, and uneven skin tone. However, it's important to choose an experienced provider, as improper use of the technology can cause skin damage.

  • During the treatment, a cooling gel will be applied to the skin and a handheld device will be used to deliver the light energy. You may feel a slight stinging or snapping sensation, but most patients find the treatment to be comfortable.

  • Most patients experience mild redness and swelling immediately after the treatment, which typically subsides within a few hours. You may also notice some darkening of the treated areas before they eventually flake off. It's important to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen to protect your skin during the healing process.